Alexis A. Kordis, Department of Biological Sciences, is one of only 6 students in the nation to be awarded the prestigious 2013 Richard and Mary Finkelstein Student Travel Grant, which funded her travel to the 113th General Meeting of the American Society of Microbiology in Denver, Colorado on May 18-21, 2013. The most important selection criterion for the award was the scientific quality of the submitted abstract. The grant also qualified her to present a poster and give a short oral presentation of the abstract, “Evidence for the contribution of toxAvapA to the survival of nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae during infection”, authored by Dabin Ren, Alexis A. Kordis and Dayle A. Daines.

The work presented by Alexis was conducted in the lab of Dr Dayle Daines, Assistant Professor of Biology. Ms Kordis is a graduate student in the MS in Biology program.